
Robert "Bob" Ober


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Currently living - residing in Upper Marlboro, MD

1/82 - 10/83 TDC FasoTraGruPac Det Miramar
2/77 - 1/82 TD1/TDC Naval Station Annapolis, MD (Naval Acadamy)
5/73 - 2/77 TD1 TD Schools, NAS Memphis
6/68 - 5/72 TD2/TD1 Naval Amphibious School, Little Creek, VA
8/66 - 6/68 TD2 FasoTraGruPac, Det Whidbey, Oak Harbor Washington
10/65 - 8/66 TD3 TD "B" School NAS Memphis
5/64 - 10/65 TD3 Training Department,NAAS Meridian, Meridan Mississippi
10/63 - 5/64 Airman TD "A" School

For my friends and former shipmates, my e-mail address below is obscured to prevent harvesting by spam-bots.  It will be necessary for you to manually open your e-mail sender/client and type in my address.

E-Mail Address

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